Press Material:
Download our press material about Ethan Monnot Weisgard for publications, camps etc.
Standing image of Ethan (738,07KB)
Sitting image of Ethan (225,11 KBKB)
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PR Ethan Weisgard as Word document
Copenhagen Aiki Shuren Dojo specifically retains any rights, including copyright, which it may have in data, image, text or any other information these files may contain.
PR Photos
New updated edition of “Bukiwaza, Aiki Ken and Aiki Jo – Basic and Advanced.” Compiled and written by Ethan Monnot Weisgard with superb photographs by Karsten Damstedt.

Articles about Aikido:
Soft Strength
Nikyo Osae Kuden
>>Isoyama Sensei Hakama Pleat Explanation in English
>>Introduction to Hakama Pleat Explanation in English
>>Homage to my master. Article written by Ethan Weisgard. Edited June 2023
Japanese Glossary:
Ethan Weisgard (book site & own homepages, Aikido links, relevant links):
Aikikai Foundation (Aikido World Headquarters)
Aikido Journal (Articles, Interviews, Video Clips, Aikido Encyclopedia)
Japanese Culture and Travel:
Japanese Embassy